Happy Birthday to Neighborhorde! A dang big sale to celebrate, right? 50% off right now on PS4 and Steam. (Xbox One next week!)
Thank ya for the support <3
- Andrew
Happy Birthday to Neighborhorde! A dang big sale to celebrate, right? 50% off right now on PS4 and Steam. (Xbox One next week!)
Thank ya for the support <3
- Andrew
That's right, Neighborhorde is out now! Grab your pals and kick some bad guy butt.
We're incredibly excited to finally release this thing! Neighborhorde is our dream project. We’re just a little three-man indie studio of good friends that wanted to build a silly game we could play together and recapture those countless hours in our childhoods spent imagining action movie scenarios. It's been a long 2 years making this thing, and we're super proud to finally bring it to you all.
Cheers from us all here at Fermenter. Here's a little photo of us from 2 years ago when we were still prototyping in my living room.
We'll be active in the community discussions and comments, so let us know what you think. We're looking forward to chatting with you all!
Thanks for playing, and we'll see you in Neighborville!
That's right. The moment we've been waiting for is finally arriving. 21 days from now, you and your friends will be bashing evil hordes of wizards and lunchladies with your wooden swords and bottle rockets.
We've been working super hard over the past 2 years to bring this game to you all, and we're super proud of what we've created.
21 days from when I'm writing this, Neighborhorde will be out. Spread the word!
Stay tuned for more!
Neighborhorde had a blast at PAX South! PAX was Fermenter's first chance to show anything in a expo setting, and though it was exhausting, we had the raddest time. We were able to show Neighborhorde to hundreds of people and made some great memories playing the game with them!
A BIG thanks to Dallas Society of Play peeps for sharing the space with us. Be sure to check out Jack Jack, Push and Pull, and Innerspace, the games we had the privilege of showing next to.
Coolest of all, we had strangers tell us to keep doing what we were doing. A few groups of people told us that the most fun they had at PAX was playing Neighborhorde. On the last day, there were people choosing to come back and spend their time at our booth, when there were a hundred other booths they could be at instead. That was just awesome.
It's always a trip to watch anybody enjoy your game, but to watch hundreds of people in a row for 3 days enjoy Neighborhorde together is something I'll treasure for a long time. Thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth.
Next stop: polish polish polish. We've just put in our applications to get Neighborhorde on various consoles, and now we're just working on more characters, more levels, and adding to our already 80+ pool of weapons and superpowers. Fortunately, this game is still fun to make and test.
Be on the lookout for previews and announcements soon. Until then, give us a follow on Twitter and help us out on Steam Greenlight and tell your friends/enemies/neighbors.
That's right folks, we'll be at PAX South next weekend. We'll be sharing a booth few kind fellows from Dallas Society of Play. If you want to get your hands on Neighborhorde early and get some rad stickers, please come find us!
Oh, also, check out Neighborhorde's new gameplay trailer.
We're almost a year into development and we're just loving the game more and more. It's getting close to being complete, so help us get it to the masses by voting Yes on Neighborhorde's Steam Greenlight page.
Until then, it's crunch time. Go go go!
We’re excited to announce the Steam Greenlight launch of our latest game, Neighborhorde. But wait, there’s more: we’re also revealing our first trailer alongside the Greenlight launch!
We've been excited to show this stuff off for a while, and we hope you're excited to see it too! Let us know if you like our trailer, and please help us bring our hard work to life by voting for us on Steam Greenlight:
With myself making a shift towards doing this game dev thing full-time, I've been able to focus in and get some momentum going on my projects. FEELS GOOD. Just released David on Android, and that's going awesome, so now I'm directing my attention towards Neighborhorde.
It's been a little difficult with Jordan moving up to NYC for a "big kid job", Cj being too tall, and myself learning how to do this full-time indie thing as I go, but I think we're all getting the hang of it. We're really starting to make some progress with Neighborhorde, it's still fun to test (always a good sign), and it's starting to feel like a REAL GAME! We've found the fun, and we're following it.
Here are a few teaser shots!
Rocking out for JUSTICE. Testing out / showing off some new weapons.
Shooting some nighttime polaroids with the robot homies.
Mingling with some indies at a Dallas Society of Play event.
Stay tuned for more info on what Neighborhorde is becoming by checking in on THIS site, following @FermenterGames on Twitter, or signing up to our newsletter thingy on the Neighborhorde page.
Though a lot of the gameplay in Neighborhorde is inspired by Left 4 Dead, we're also taking a little note from another Valve game, Half-Life 2. Remember this?
This little area before you get to the action in HL2 has a lot of character simply because of the little physics demonstration in the playground. This area could've been something pretty disappointing if not for the interactivity of the merry-go-round and the other toys around it. Instead of nothing as in many games before it, the player gets rewarded with a little pointless fun for exploring this part of the map. How nice! How charming!
We love this kind of thing, so we're going to try and stuff a few silly little treats in Neighborhorde. Check out these so far!
- Andrew
For the first time since our little 72hr Ludum Dare project, Sharks With Feelings, the Fermenter team is going at this one together. What better way to start back up again together than to build something we can all enjoy together?
Inspired by Calvin and Hobbes and our own personal childhood experiences, Neighborhorde aims to capture those countless hours spent imagining action movie scenarios as a kid. You’re just hanging out with your friends in your neighborhood when suddenly, portals open up from another land; L.A.M.E., the Land of Awful Mean Evil. Through the portals come all the lame things you despise as a kid. Homework, evil robots, brocolli, and more are out to get you. Luckily you have your trusty wooden sword, and your pal has some bottle rockets left over from New Years. Work together with your friends and triumph over evil.
We’re still hard at work on the game, but we’d love to hear what you think about it. If you’ve got ideas (enemy/weapon ideas, etc) you think would fit well into the game, we’re all ears!